• CEO and President of KB Insurance
    Koo Bon-wook

    Competitive and Cool-Headed Strategist Becomes First Internal CEO After Acquisition [2024]

    Last Updated on May 13, 2024

      Copy Url : https://www.koreawho.com/profile/KooBonwook

Life Summary
Koo Bon-wook is the CEO and President of KB Insurance.

He is focused on expanding the sale of protection-type insurance, which is becoming increasingly competitive following the introduction of new accounting standards.

In new business ventures, he aims for KB Insurance to enter the top ranks in the health care and pet insurance sectors.

He was born on May 18, 1967, in Chungnam.

He graduated from Chungnam High School in Daejeon and Yonsei University with a degree in Business Administration.

He served as the head of the accounting team and the finance director at LIG Insurance, and after the company was acquired by KB Insurance, he held positions as head of management, head of business strategy, and head of risk management. In 2024, he was appointed CEO and President.

He is the first internally promoted president since the launch of KB Insurance in 2015.

Known as a 'strategist,' he is highly competitive and is praised for his clear distinction between public and private matters and his cool-headedness.

#KooBonwook #KBInsurance #CEO #protectioninsurance #newaccountingstandards #healthcare #petinsurance #businessstrategy #Chungnam #YonseiUniversity