Life Summary
Ye Kyong-tak is the president of BNK Kyongnam Bank.

He is focusing his efforts on managing the aftermath of an embezzlement incident.

He is also interested in community coexistence and digital innovation.

Born in November 1966,

he graduated from Miryang High School and Busan National University with a degree in Sociology and earned a master's degree in Business Administration from Changwon National University Graduate School.

He joined the bank in 1992 and has worked solely at Kyongnam Bank for over 30 years.

He has held positions such as Yulha Branch Manager, Head of Card Business Division, Head of Eastern Business Headquarters, and Head of Credit Operations Group.

He was appointed as the president of Kyongnam Bank in 2023.

He aims to create a bank that serves as a pillar of the local economy.

He is known for his gentle leadership and active communication with employees.

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